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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Superpave Binder Grading Process, Pressung Aging Vessel (PAV) Aging Prep and Pour Asphalt Beams Direct Tension Tester, Original Binder Pour Sample Flash Point Testing, Rolling Thin Film Oven Aging (RFTO) Pour DSR Pad 25 mm RTFO Dynamic Shear Rheometry Testing, Original Binder Pour DSR Pad 25 mm Original Dynamic Shear Rheometry Testing, Original Binder Pour Asphalt Rings Softening Point Testing, Original Binder Pour RFTO Bottles (35g each) Rolling Thin Film Oven Aging (RFTO), Pressung Aging Vessel (PAV) Aging Prep and Pour Asphalt Beams Bending Beam RheometerTesting, Original Binder Pour RFTO Bottles (35g each) Mass Loss of RTFO Bottles, Rolling Thin Film Oven Aging (RFTO) Pour PAV Pans (50g each) Pressung Aging Vessel (PAV) Aging, Pressung Aging Vessel (PAV) Aging Pour DSR Pad 8mm PAV Dynamic Shear Rheometry Testing, Rolling Thin Film Oven Aging (RFTO) Pour DSR Pad 25 mm RTFO Multiple Stress Creep Recovery Testing